Sunday, 29 September 2013

The Mating Of The Yorkies....Rascals View....

Not long ago I started to get that strange feeling again, that feeling where I am strangely drawn to Alphie, but that same feeling that makes me very annoyed at the sight of Beanie. I can't stand that dog at the best of times, but when I feel like this I just have to give her a hard time.

The last time I felt like this Alphie just wanted to play, this time I felt for sure that there was something more than friendship between us and I hoped that we could be more than friends. We would make the cutest couple, I just knew it and I thought that if I kept backing into him and teasing him, then he would soon want what I had to offer.

Alphie; the love of my life

Sunday, 15 September 2013

We Suspect That Rascal, The Yorkshire Terrier Is Pregnant....

We have our suspicions that Rascal is expecting puppies. Her titties have swollen, which I admit they usually do after she has been in season, but not only that, she is also looking really sorry for herself and is quite mopey which is unusual behaviour for her.

Rascal feeling sorry for herself
She seems to have lost interest in her food and does not want to play. For someone who wasn't keen on the idea of breeding the Yorkies, I am feeling surprisingly excited. I have spent a lot of time learning what to expect throughout her Yorkie pregnancy and what her needs will be and I am hoping now we suspect Rascal is pregnant that Catherine will take it upon herself to learn these things too, but if not I will be constantly monitoring the dog.

I am hoping that Rascal having puppies will be an educational experience as well as an amazing thing to witness!

The Mating Of The Yorkies....

Friday, 6 September 2013

What Rascal, The Yorkshire Terrier, Thought Of Alphie....

Alphie is a cutie
It was over a year ago when the family of the house went out one evening and returned with a wriggling, black and tan bundle of fluff that reminded me of a younger version of myself. There was a lot of excitement as this furry ball was introduced into the household, the funniest thing I remember was Roxy, a German Shepherd, being scared of the bundle, she has always been a wussy - she may look good, but she really is no credit to her breed!

I played it cool, after all I didn't believe that it was here to stay, how many cuties can live under one roof? And oh! he was cute! He wobbled around the house, not caring where he stuck his nose or what he sank his needle like teeth into, but I didn't mind, he was adorable; even to me.